A recommendation system for a video streaming platform.

#recommandations #streaming #videos

A Web Analytics platform to personalize the user experience of online store customers.

#WebAnalytics #BusinessInsight #DataLake

A real-time monitoring system for a production line for the detection of blockages.

#realtime #streaming #detection

Performance indicators for a large industrial company on Azure platform.

#recommandations #streaming #videos

Real-time inventory management based on store receipts.

#LogIsland #BusinessInsight #DataLake

blue and white cargo ship on sea during daytime

A data catalog for sensitive and private data

#DataManagement #DataCatalog

A Big Data platform boosted for AI

#recommandations #streaming #videos

Construction of an AI for predicting landslides in the Alps based on RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks) trained on LIDAR images

#IA #LIDAR #prediction

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