ScoringJoe to score in your business… Visit the ScoringJoe website :
ScoringJoe is our Saas platform to allow you to know your business well and, via scores, to highlight what will help improve its performance, in particular, if necessary, by personalizing interactions with your customers.
To date ScoringJoe offers two key services, the first feeding the second with data: web analytics and the recommendation system.
The Web Analytics Service
The Web Analytics service exposes the classic Web Analytics indicators in terms of number of sessions, number of unique users, page views, etc. Very classic, even a little less complete than our competitors. We accept that our Web Analytics service is not as complete as its big competitor can be because it has other great advantages: it is completely real time on large volumes; it gives free access to raw navigation data, and last but not least it feeds the computing of recommendations.
Of course, it will not fail to expand and surprise you, but already its price is real good news.
The Recommendations service
The ScoringJoe recommendation service is the little nugget that allows you to have N**flix-like or Amazon-like recommendations on your website. Trends, popular products or items, similar products or items, those that are often seen/bought together, those that you should like because you liked these etc etc etc.
The recommendation system comes with plugins for some CMS (like WordPress).
Why ScoringJoe Recommendations?
Because you can no longer be satisfied with the level of recommendations of this advertisement! Because your digital marketing must live up to your brand.